TR Camano
In 2006 TR Camano and the Juniper Beach Water District (JBWD) entered into a Developer Extension Agreement for the acquisition, construction and installation of water facilities at the TR Camano project site “Bayview Park” located along SR 532 on Camano Island.
In accordance with the Developer Extension Agreement, TR Camano installed and constructed facilities which included new 8” ductile iron and 2” HDPE water mains, expansion of the JBWD upper pressure zone booster pumping facility which provides fire flows and expansion of the JBWD existing water treatment plant to treat the new source well in the Bayview Park site (new TR Camano well).
A Latecomer Agreement was approved at the regularly scheduled JBWD Board of Commissioners meeting on April 12, 2012. Following the hearing, the Board adopted a resolution regarding the determined reimbursement area and the amount of reimbursement.
This project's concept began back in 2004. Much has transpired over the years. The project goals as applicable to JBWD were to install supply and delivery lines to and from Bayview Park project to and from the Juniper Beach Water District’s treatment facilities. This included the upgrading of JBWD infrastructure, water supply facilities and appurtenances to meet Department of Health, Department of Ecology and Island County regulations.
The water supply element consisted of a new well authorized by the Department of Ecology and the connection of approximately 5000 lineal feet of two-inch water line from the new well to the District’s water treatment and storage facilities. The water distribution element consist of approximately 5000 lineal feet of eight-inch pressurized distribution line from the District’s storage tank to the Property; water service laterals to the property line of proposed latecomer reimbursement parcels; and water service laterals on the Property that serve more than one building. The Project has also included hydrants, booster pumps, electrical conduit and wire, back-up power supply sources and other appurtenances as determined by the District’s consulting engineer.
At the January 12, 2012 meeting of the Juniper Beach Water District, the Board of Commissioners voted to officially grant water availability to TR Camano for the development project on Highway 532. We are pleased with the work completed with this project, which provides a good solution to the project's water needs and assists JBWD in the goal of managing the aquifer and water resources of northern Camano Island. We are pleased to be the water purveyor for this project.
In consideration for constructing and transferring to the District the Water Supply Element of the Project, the Owner, TR Camano is authorized to connect eighteen (18) equivalent residential units (“ERUs”) on the Property to the District’s water system without payment of connection charges.
a. The gallons per day of water that is represented by an equivalent residential unit shall be determined by Department of Health regulations, the District’s consulting engineer and/or District resolution.)
b. Each of the eighteen (18) ERUs, however, is subject to District hookup, meter installation and inspection fees, and service and/or water use charges at the rate established by District resolution.
c. The District, in its sole discretion and pursuant to District resolutions, may authorize additional ERU connections for the Property, upon payment of all applicable connection and other fees and charges.
d. No other property of the Owner in the vicinity of the Property shall be connected to the District's water supply system until a contract providing for the connection has been entered into with the District.