TRCamano Latecomer Agreement
A Latecomer Agreement was approved at the regularly scheduled JBWD Board of Commissioners meeting on April 12, 2012. Following the hearing, the Board adopted a resolution regarding the determined reimbursement area and the amount of reimbursement.
Short Legal Description of Development Property in which Latecomers Agreement is to benefit:
The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 32 North, Range 3 East W.M.; except the east 277 feet thereof: also except that portion lying within SR 532; and except the portion conveyed to the State of Washington in Auditor’s File No. 94007687, situate in the County of Island, State of Washington.
Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number(s) of Properties Subject to Latecomers Fee (as of April 12 ,2012):
Formula for determining reimbursement amount due from property owners who subsequently connect to or use the facilities and who did not contribute to the original cost of the facilities:
Each connection will be based on a single E.R.U and each will be subject to the following reimbursement fee as calculated by meter sizing:
If Fire Flow is required by individual design or Island County requirements, then an additional “fire flow” fee will be assessed in the reimbursement calculations based on pipe sizing:
If a property does not abut the installed service line along SR 532, fees will be 50% of the Meter Size and Fire Flow Reimbursement Fees. The two properties associated with this would be: